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Brāhma-Muhūrta -New Summer Puja Course

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⭐️ The Brāhma-Muhūrta ⭐️

Traditional Morning Rituals for Spiritual Connection

with Jahnavi Claire Missingham + Pandit Satish

Brahma muhurta is the time before sunrise when it is believed to be most beneficial to practice yoga, to meditate or to worship.

New 4-session Course begins 26th June - access until 1st September 2024

Optional: join in the live class: Wednesdays at 7pm-8.15pm GMT/UK time

Join online live or take on demand in your own time. Have constant access to course materials at anytime.

During the pre-dawn period, there is the availability of nascent oxygen in the atmosphere. Waking early for spiritual practice boosts immunity, increases energy levels, helps maintain the balance of blood ph and gives higher levels of oxygen to the brain. The serene atmosphere and the pre-dawn stillness during Brahma Muhurta are thought to enhance concentration and mental clarity, making it an ideal time for self-reflection and spiritual pursuits. The tranquility and heightened energy of Brahma Muhurta offer a pristine backdrop for introspection and personal growth. Ayurvedic tradition holds that the body's rhythms are in perfect alignment with nature during Brahma Muhurta, facilitating optimal functioning of the body systems.

You will learn:

1) Perfect timings for early morning rituals, esp after illness, busy times, parenting or during stressful experiences. Learn first Mantras to take on waking, before setting feet down, while bathing.

2) Learn the Panc Pran mudras and morning mudras.

3) Traditional Surya Namaskar with Surya Mantras, a beautiful way of igniting your morning and taking any boredom out of Surya Namaskar.

4) Then you will learn a Home Pooja Step by Step. You may need to have available some Pooja items. Once enrolled, we will send you a list of simple items and where and what to have available.

5) Learn properly, with exact pronunciation and devotion, mantras for morning pooja.

6) Learn which colour to wear, which deity on each day is presiding, deity mantras, which foods to take on which day of the week according to Sanātana Dharma.

June 14


November 24

Hanuman Vinyasa Namaskar with Asana + Mantra